“Recognizing Dedication: A Guide to Writing Inspiring Student Employee of the Year Letters”
- Date: Tuesday December 10th
- Time: 1-2PM
- Location: 3125 Pearson Hall
- Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mthHA3QB002t6zM5yJw19YyoSWn8QqJMkYmj9OWNlIZUOFhKT1RIS1BNMElWVUYxUlJNNUg2TU5LWC4u
Student Employee of the Year
- Click here to learn more: https://studentjobs.iastate.edu/recognition/employee-of-the-year/ )
- November 18th: Nomination form goes live
- February 1st: Nominations due at 11:59 P.M.
- February: Winner Selection Meeting
- April 2nd: Award Reception
National Student Employment Week (April 14-18th)
- This is a chance for us to show appreciation for all the hard work and dedication of our outstanding students. At Iowa State, we celebrate with campus-wide activities, prizes, giveaways, and more! Keep track of events here: https://studentjobs.iastate.edu/recognition/nsew/
Supervisor Summitt
- This event is designed to bring together supervisors from departments all over campus to exchange ideas, share resources and enhance leadership skills.
- We will be announcing our date for spring 2025 soon!